Liberon Mahogany Retouch Crayons (Pack of 3) | PA14219

Liberon Finishing Oils & Shellac in SA

Liberon Mahogany Retouch Crayons (Pack of 3) | PA14219

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Liberon Mahogany Retouch Crayons (Pack of 3) | PA14219.

For filling and masking superficial scratches. Retouch Crayons can be used to fill and mask superficial scratches on finished wooden surfaces and furniture, such as nail holes and worm holes. Applied with an easy rub on and buff off application, they expand and contract with the wood, do not shrink or drop out, and are available in a wide range of colours.

How To Use:


Rub the crayon across the scratch until it is filled, allow to harden then buff off the excess with a cotton cloth. Retouch Crayons may be blended together to create different shades.


Always test the product on a spare surface or inconspicuous area for colour, compatibility and end result.


Unit Size: Pack of 3 BP, Tin of 10
Location: Interior


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