Make Your Own Legs Or Feet For Furniture

Avatar of Odette Nieuwoudt

Posted by Odette Nieuwoudt in Tips & Tricks

You only need a few pieces of PAR pine to make your own legs or feet for furniture. By making your own legs or feet you can design your own style to match a style or be a unique feature for furniture. I normally use 44 x 44mm or 50 x 50mm PAR pine for my pieces.


You will find the wood that you need at your local Builders Warehouse and you need to carefully select the right pieces. The lengths should be as straight as possible and not have any knots or heart-wood. The fewer defects in the timber – the better the legs of feet will look once finished.


The easiest way to cut legs or feet for furniture is using a mitre saw or table saw. I have previously cut legs with a jigsaw, but it is difficult to clamp and hold the pine as you cut.


You could use a sharp craft knife or wood chisel to whittle away the wood, but this will obviously take a bit longer. The idea is to taper the legs slightly to about a 15 or 20 degree angle towards the bottom.


This is where owning a Dremel MultiTool comes in really handy. Using the sanding discs you can apply detail to the legs or feet. I used my Dremel MultiTool to carve a curved recess into each leg.


All that’s left now is to sand the legs or feet smooth. I like using my Dremel MultiMax for this, because it has a small pad that allows me to get into the angles and curves.

*Please note the Dremel MultiMax has been discontinued, hereĀ is an alternative option:

Bosch PMF 250 CES Multi-funciton Tool



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