How To Use A Screwdriver Bit Properly

Avatar of Odette Nieuwoudt

Posted by Odette Nieuwoudt in How To Guides

We have seen more than a few beginner DIY enthusiasts who attend our DIY Divas and DIY Guys workshops. One common problem that seems to occur over and over is using a screwdriver bit in a cordless screwdriver or drill/driver.

During the workshops, especially when making furniture projects, we often hear drill/drivers spinning away at high speed with the accompanying ‘taka-taka’ that indicates that a screwdriver head is being stripped as it is driven into the project. The bad news is that the screw is already stripped, which means you are going to battle to take it out again. The good news is that once you do it properly you won’t have the problem again. If you have attended a DIY Divas beginners power tools or woodworking workshop, you know that it is important that the screwdriver bit be firmly seated in the head of the screw. If it isn’t, you are going to strip that screw very quickly and you are also going to damage the screwdriver bit.


Using the right bit:

It is important that you use the right screwdriver bit for the type of screw being used. The most commonly used screwdriver bit for medium wood screws is a PZ2. Look on the bit and you will find this engraved in the metal. If you’re not sure, hold the bit at a 45-degree angle. If the screw stays on the bit and doesn’t fall off – you are using the right bit.


Firmly fitted bit:

Always make sure that the screwdriver bit is firmly seated in the screw head. As you are drilling, apply pressure to the top of the screwdriver or drill/driver to ensure the bit stays in the screw head as you drill.


Hold the screw:

To prevent the bit or screw slipping as you drive into the wood, gently grip the sides of the screw to hold it in place until it starts to bite into the wood. This is fine for pine, but if you are driving into hardwood or supawood, pre-drill a pilot hole.


  • Use a magnetic holder for your screwdriver bits. This will also hold the screw in place on the end of the bit. Where you are placing the screw, push down hard to make an indent and will make holding the screw straight easier.
  • If you find that the screwdriver bit still slips out of the screw head, you are not applying enough pressure to keep it firmly seated in the head. Compensate by pushing down harder with your left hand on top of the back end of the drill, or by putting your shoulder into it.
  • Remember to ease back on the pressure when the screw is almost in place. Too much pressure and you will end up sinking the screw too deeply into the wood or board. Quick bursts of on and off will also give you more control over how deep the screw is driven into the timber or board.

As they say, practice makes perfect, and the more you drive in screws – the more you know what works best for you.



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