Basics of Wood Finishing: Application Techniques and Tools
In our previous articles on Woodworking Finishing Basics , we discussed many types of natural finishes that one could use and also various ways in which they are commonly used. Today, we explore the various preferred methods for applying these finishes onto your wooden surfaces.
Cloths & Sponges
Most oils and waxes can be applied using a cloth. Oils can be applied onto raw surfaces with a cloth by simply allowing the wood to be absorbed by the oil-soaked cloth as you rub into the wood grain. For most raw wooden surfaces, one would need to apply at least three coats of oil with various extended periods (usually a day or so) allowed for the oil to dry in between coats. For waxes, however, using a lint-free or damp cloth is best suited for re-applying and maintaining a wax finish.
Sponges can absorb more liquid in them and as such are preferred when applying oils on larger wooden surfaces. This is especially necessary on wood such as pine which is prone to absorb liquids more than harder woods.
Steel wool
For initially applying waxes on raw wood, steel wool in various grades of fineness is most ideal. Steel wool can collect wax easier than cloths and because of its slightly rougher texture, it can rub into the surface better. Unlike oils, waxes tend to require less time to dry. Once dried, a cloth can then be used to wipe off the excess wax and polish the surface to a smooth sheen.
In the wood finishing process, buffing usually occurs at the final stage. When one has smoothly sanded the surface, applied the necessary finish and now wishes to add or enhance the sheen as well as polish off any excess oil or wax. For many woodworkers, using a lint-free cloth may be enough however for those seeking efficiency and speed, using a polishing backing pad would be most useful. These buffing pads may be applied to powered sanders and polishers and are available in various materials such as cotton and sheep-skin.
These Finishing Applicators are available at Tools4Wood, buy yours today.
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